回复 :45 year old Don Valter is a traditional priest who still wears an old fashioned black tunic out of nostalgia. One day young Claudio and his exuberant troupe of actors appear, proposing to perform an avant-garde show based on the Gospel's miracle of the rebirth of Lazarus*. The powerless priest is overwhelmed by this young upstart, who stirs within him emotions that will, whether he likes it or not, pull him into the modern era.
回复 :镇安城内的东洋车行恃著有土豪褚超作靠山,作恶横行。凌峰见东洋车行车夫崔豹欺负小孩,终忍无可忍,与之决斗。崔豹被打败,向褚超告状。褚超之子遂到凌峰家捣乱,凌峰将其打死。褚超派人四出追捕凌峰,又将其妻捉拿以之威胁…
回复 :早上,虔诚的农场主陶尔(Max von Sydow 饰)夫妻做过了祷告,随后安排女儿卡琳骑马为教堂送一些蜡烛,卡琳穿上了新制的盛装,邀请家里的养女英格丽同行。有孕在身的英格丽性格放纵,并一直嫉妒卡琳的明媚人生,出行前,英格丽在食物中塞进了一只蛤蟆。行至一片森林前,英格丽让卡琳独自上路而自己尾随观察。林中的三个牧羊人看到孤身一人的卡琳顿起歹意,他们奸污后又打死了卡琳,掳走她的外套。傍晚,三名牧羊人投宿陶尔家中,向陶尔妻子兜售卡琳的衣物,惊慌的英格丽亦同时回到家中,她向陶尔忏悔了自己诅咒卡琳的罪行。陶尔沐浴更衣,以白桦树枝抽打自己后,决意用很双手为女儿报仇……本片获1961年奥斯卡最佳外语片奖,1960年戛纳电影节特别推荐奖。