人工A mutated rat has been let loose in a city.
人工A mutated rat has been let loose in a city.
回复 :A young couple take their first foreign holiday together. Yet, behind the couple's happy smiles lies a hidden desire. They turn to a mysterious local woman for help, but the truth of the situation is more destructive than they feared.
回复 :影片以娱乐圈为载体,讲述了落魄导演李然由于公司欠债,于是拍摄情色惊悚电影《杀人红包》想借此力挽狂澜。剧组杀青宴上,李然却得知参与拍摄的女演员辛楠早在杀青之前车祸死去,李然开始追查参与自己影片拍摄的辛楠究竟是人是鬼,遭遇了一系列令人毛骨悚然的诡异奇事。
回复 :在這部紀錄片中,一位泛舟高手下定決心開創划槳征服喜馬拉雅山四大河的紀錄,這四條河流都發源自西藏聖山岡仁波齊峰。